Run the D-Fend-Reloaded setup you can choose the default installation for all installation steps you just have to choose the language in step 3 Now that D-Fend is installed, and TP7.1 is dowloaded, create files that will be used to install Turbo Pascal 7.1 and demo Christmas.
in the home page of vetusware, on the home page of vetusware you can click to see other windows software download at the bottom of this new window, you can click on the page numbers or tree of life (ranked by year)
Note that in Turbo Pascal series this program works only with Turbo Pascal 4.0 and higher due to the fact that earlier versions didn’t have char datatype.You can download D-Fend Reloaded on the following link: choose D-Fend-Reloaded full-install because DOSbox is included in the installation In this demo we will see how to work in DOS using the ancient language of Borland's Turbo Pascal 7.1 it can interact with the computer without the presence of Windows, once many programs using MS-DOS Turbo Pascal and the zipped Christmas demo (end of this instrutable)are part you can download the zip on the following link: or you can going on you need to register to download the zip but no regrets because this site there are many DOS software when you register the home page go to the bottom of this page and click Shearch (yellow) enter as shearch Turbo Pascal 7.1 in google page that appears click: Download Turbo Pascal 7.1 by | VETUSWARE.COM - the biggest. String capacity is omitted and thus set to 255 by default.

ord returns ASCII-code of a character, while chr converts given ASCII-code into a character.

This example processes the string char by char, and works with ASCII-codes to figure out whether they are lower- or uppercase letters. Program Quadratic var A, B, C, D : integer begin write ( 'A = ' ) readln ( A ) if ( A = 0 ) then begin writeln ( 'Not a quadratic equation.' ) halt end write ( 'B = ' ) readln ( B ) write ( 'C = ' ) readln ( C ) D := B * B - 4 * A * C if ( D = 0 ) then begin writeln ( 'x = ' ,- B / 2.0 / A ) halt end if ( D > 0 ) then begin writeln ( 'x1 = ', ( - B + Sqrt ( D )) / 2.0 / A ) writeln ( 'x2 = ', ( - B - Sqrt ( D )) / 2.0 / A ) end else begin writeln ( 'x1 = (' ,- B / 2.0 / A, ',', Sqrt ( - D ) / 2.0 / A, ')' ) writeln ( 'x2 = (' ,- B / 2.0 / A, ',' ,- Sqrt ( - D ) / 2.0 / A, ')' ) end end.